How to Write and Consume News

News is information about events that is reported to the general public. It may include reports of crime (such as car theft, break and enter, forgery and murder), money (for example, fortunes made and lost, tax rises, school fees and the Budget), wars or political unrest. It may also include scientific discovery, technology advancements and weather forecasts.

Not all news is created equal. Events that are new and unusual but which are of little interest to the majority of the population are unlikely to make the news. Scientists may report, for example, that an insect has been found living on a plant which it did not previously inhabit. This is interesting to specialist and amateur naturalists but would not be newsworthy for a newspaper or news broadcast.

If you’re a news writer, think about how your audience will receive the article. It is best to follow the inverted pyramid model, with the most important information at the top of the article. Then detail your facts in a chronological order. Include quotes from people you’ve interviewed and cite the source. However, avoid giving your own opinion or making statements that are not factual.

If you’re a reader, try to consume news in a way that works with your lifestyle. For example, if you like to get the highlights of the day delivered directly to your inbox try newsletters such as The Skimm, Refinery29 or Flare’s Explainer series. If you spend most of your time on social media, follow aggregators such as Shit You Should Care About or Now This News. There are also many fun news sources directed at language learners, such as The News in Levels or E-News, which grade their stories based on difficulty.