Automobiles are a type of vehicle that is usually four-wheeled and uses an internal combustion engine to propel itself. They have become a vital part of the modern world and have revolutionized our lives in many ways.
Cars are made up of a few essential parts including the Engine, Transmission system, Drive and Body. The body is what determines the look of the car, gives room for passengers and storage and houses the various systems within it.
The Engine is what is used to power the entire automobile and it can be divided into two parts; the inline, straight or V-type engines and the horizontal, flat, and boxer engines. These engines are the heart of an automobile and their operation is dependent on proper engineering.
During the 19th century, a number of engineers developed and patented different types of engines that could power an auto. Some of these were steam-powered, others electric and some were gasoline powered.
Some of these early cars were designed by a single person while others were built by teams of people, but they all had the same basic design. This is because they all needed to be able to start and stop quickly.
In 1886, Carl Benz patented his first automobile and his wife Bertha drove it for 106 km (about 65 miles). They also built the world’s first commercially available motor car.
During the 20th century, car production became more affordable and cars were standardized. By the end of the 20th century, there were over 590 million passenger cars worldwide.