Traveling and hotels play an important part in the overall travel experience. They are the setting that adds depth to your journey, where you rest after a day of exploration and where you prepare for the next chapter in your travel story.
It is also an opportunity to learn about a new culture, through food, language and customs. You can shop for fresh ingredients and cook at “home” in your hotel room, or dine in restaurants where chefs are preparing local cuisine. Either way, it is an opportunity to eat healthy, with fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, meat, and local breads being the mainstays of many vacation menus.
Whether you’re travelling for business or pleasure, choosing the right accommodation can be difficult with so many options available. In the US, there are more than 200,000 hotels. They range in size and price from budget to luxury, with some hotels offering extended stay accommodation for weeks or months at a time.
The key to selecting the best accommodation is knowing what’s important to you. Is it comfort and a sense of home, or is it being close to a specific attraction or type of transport? You can even look at booking trends to discover things like the most popular booking channels, what amenities are attracting travellers, and how traveller preferences are changing. You can download SiteMinder’s Changing Traveller Report to discover these insights and more. The report is free for you to use and is based on real booking data from over 100 million reservations.