Fashion is a general term used to describe the prevailing styles in clothing and accessories. It varies considerably according to culture, age, social class, occupation, and geography. Fashions may also vary over time, with certain styles becoming increasingly popular at one point and then falling out of favor at another. Fashions have been used throughout history as a means of self-expression and solidarity with others.
The fashion industry includes a wide range of businesses related to designing, manufacturing, selling, and retailing apparel. It is estimated that the fashion industry employs millions of people worldwide. In addition to designers and manufacturers, fashion also consists of those who work in the business of advertising and public relations. The popularity of a particular style often depends on its association with a celebrity or other famous person, and this can influence the sale of clothing lines based on that style.
Musicians and other cultural icons have long influenced fashion trends. In the 1700s, people pored over fashion magazines to see what celebrities were wearing and imitated these styles. Fashions have always been influenced by significant events and social changes, including wars, natural disasters, and other tragedies. Fashions have also been influenced by prevailing attitudes towards femininity, and the fashions of different eras often reflect the events that occur during those times. For example, the long dresses and veiled headgear associated with Victorian era society have been replaced by the short and micro dress culture of the modern era.