The Importance of Team Sport

Team sport is a sport in which multiple players form a competing unit to achieve a common goal. Examples of team sports include basketball, baseball, hockey, football, swimming and rugby.

Working with a team also helps athletes develop their time management skills by teaching them to value each minute and to prioritize tasks. This translates to the rest of their lives, as evidenced by Shannon Miller, a former Olympic gymnast who kept a schedule that was organized down to the minute when she was an athlete. This level of organization is a valuable life skill to learn early on.

Moreover, a team sport environment teaches players to respect others and to accept that not everyone has the same talent. According to the Janssen Sports Leadership Center, this is an important lesson for young athletes to learn. This respect is a foundation for healthy relationships in life, whether with friends, coworkers or romantic partners.

In addition, team athletes are constantly working with a slate of other people who can serve as positive role models for them. For example, a youth athlete might benefit from mentoring by an older player who can help them navigate adolescence and college. In addition, a coach can be an effective mentor for a young athlete as well. These mentors teach athletes the value of hard work, dedication and commitment to the success of a team. They also demonstrate the importance of focusing on one’s goals, learning from mistakes and not taking shortcuts.