News is about current events that affect people on a local, national and/or international scale. It may include political, economic and sporting events. It is also used to report on disasters and crimes. News is usually aimed at a specific demographic.
It is the job of journalists to convey the facts about an event without bias, as a public service to their readers, listeners or viewers. The information they present is not intended to be entertaining, but the entertainment can come from other areas – music or drama programs on radio; cartoons or crosswords in newspapers.
What is considered newsworthy will vary between societies. In general, however, the more unusual an event is the more likely it is to make the news. Crimes such as road traffic offences, burglaries and murders will attract more attention than the more common thefts or car accidents. Prominent people and those who lose or gain fortunes will also attract attention, as will stories about traditional remedies, medical research and diseases. People are interested in food and drink, especially when there are shortages or surpluses, prices rises or the launch of new products. People are also interested in health, which can lead to interest in hospitals, clinics and doctors. People are also interested in sex, although this tends to be less openly talked about than other topics.
It is important to keep up with news on all levels, including international, governmental and regional. It is also important to stay up to date with the latest trends and debates in your area of expertise.